Community Mediation

Neighbors, Tenants & Landlords, HOA, Homeowners/Contractors, Workplace, Non-profit: boards, stakeholders, employees, volunteers.

Conflict can take an incredible toll on all involved. HGT mediation is here to listen and help. While taking someone to court, hiring a lawyer or embarking on a lengthy internal dispute process are all too common for many issues— mediation provides a well-respected alternative dispute process and is less costly.

  • Issues between neighbors such as noise from a barking dog or music, visual nuisances such as unkempt lawns or trash, property line discrepancy or property damage, overhanging trees or hedges can all escalate quickly. When discussions between neighbors are no longer fruitful, mediation can help find a way forward.

  • Landlord/Tenant disputes arise for things such as rent (late or non-payments), repairs, damages, security deposits, etc.  Rather than taking the matter to small claims court or walking away unresolved, mediation is a good option for finding resolution.

  • Disputes can arise for delays in project completion, contract interpretation or breach of contract, payments, scope of work, defects, issues arising from use of subcontractors, poor communication and so on. Mediation empowers both parties to self-determine solutions without legal proceedings and costs.

  • Many states require homeowners associations to go through mediation or arbitration. The governing documents of HOAs may also require mediation as a resolution procedure. Whether the dispute is among board members or between homeowners or residents, a mediator can support HOAs in finding resolution and help parties get back to community living.

  • Nonprofits serve communities in many varied and valuable ways. Conflict can distract from vision-driven work. Disputes can arise due to differing financial priorities or stakeholder interests, stress or tension among employees, managers and volunteers. A third party neutral helps to foster open dialogue and collaboration and provides a reputable process to work through conflict.

  • Religious organizations can experience conflict for a variety of reasons. Members of a community can be in a dispute with one another or community members with leadership. Leadership (staff teams, executive leadership, elders, board members) can also all find themselves in complicated disputes. This kind of conflict can tear a community apart. Mediation is a confidential and helpful way to support all involved in finding a peaceful way forward.

Mediation can take place quickly and is flexible enough to be used at any stage of a disagreement.

I am here to help

Mediation can help identify the specific issues that need to be worked out and creates a context for creative problem solving. Solutions can be hard to identify in the space of conflict, but having a neutral third party and a clear process can open up creative and workable outcomes.